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Reading and writing are interrelated. When we focus on one, we are working on both. We must share this awareness with our students and give them every opportunity to make the connections between the two. Reading provides an opportunity for students to be exposed to different text types and explore the different language and structural features, which they can then draw upon and experiment with during writing sessions. We use the Soundwaves program to support the teaching of spelling.

Our main reading resources at Stuart Park are, PM Benchmark and Probe as well as a range of high quality reading materials. All year level teams plan and program together to ensure that all children receive high quality learning experiences. 

Students reading is assessed using the PM Benchmark (as a continuation from EarlyChildhood) or the Probe Reading scheme. Teaching reading is based on the support materials provided by Probe. We place a strong emphasis on breaking down how to comprehend texts in both a literal and inferential sense. Students have access to Reading Eggs and Reading Express which are online reading support programs that the children really love. 

We provide classes with Literacy support staff to assist classroom teachers in their teaching.


A reading comprehension teaching and assessment tool

Probe is a series of short texts at varying levels that can be used to gain insight into a reader’s comprehension skills and reading behaviours with the purpose of determining teaching strategies.

PM Benchmarks

PM Benchmarks are used to give us a reading level for students so that we can track progress and plan for growth.


An evidence based early intervention program

This is a small group (usually no more than 4) program for students in Years 1 and 2 who have fallen behind in reading.


Making Up For Lost Time

This is a one on one program to give students from Years 3-6 a boost in reading.


A reading comprehension teaching and assessment tool

Probe is a series of short texts at varying levels that can be used to gain insight into a reader’s comprehension skills and reading behaviours with the purpose of determining teaching strategies.

PM Benchmarks

PM Benchmarks are used to give us a reading level for students so that we can track progress and plan for growth.


An evidence based early intervention program

This is a small group (usually no more than 4) program for students in Years 1 and 2 who have fallen behind in reading.


Making Up For Lost Time

This is a one on one program to give students from Years 3-6 a boost in reading.

Reading Workshop Model


Shared Reading
15 minutes

Teacher uses high quality texts to demonstrate prediction/prior knowledge, think aloud, text structure, visual representation, summarisation and questions.


Reading Strategies
30 minutes

• Independent Reading
• Guided Reading or Reciprocal Reading
• Reading Activity
• Reading Conferences or Interviews


Share Time
15 minutes

• Author’s Chair

Writing Workshop Model


Modelled/Shared Writing
15 minutes

Teacher models writing in front of the students based on mentor texts, text type and 6 + 1 traits.


Free Choice Writing
30 minutes

• Guided Writing
• Interactive Writing
• Roving Conferences


Share Time
15 minutes

• Author’s Chair
• Peer editing and feedback

Assessment Capable Writers Project


Numeracy is a vital part of our curriculum and we recognize the need to develop it in a holistic manner. An important aspect of numeracy is to be literate in your numeracy, that is, to be able to read, write, discuss and comprehend numeracy tasks. This is embedded in our curriculum and we recognize the important role it plays. 

Our aim as a school is to develop the skills to understand and make mathematical connections, to problem solve, to reason through a problem and to become fluent, enabling us be efficient in calculating (this is often referred to as automaticity).


A comprehensive online maths tool offered to Years 3-6

Students from years three - six have access to a full set of curriculum activities, aligned to the Australian Curriculum, backed up by interactive tutorials and print-based materials.


A comprehensive online maths tool.

Students have access to a full set of curriculum activities, aligned to the Australian Curriculum, backed up by interactive tutorials and print-based materials.


Quicksmart is a numeracy program that promotes automaticity. 

A program for Year 5 and 6 students who have not fully developed automaticity in the four mathematical operations.  The program was developed by the University of NSW.   Once students are able to develop automaticity learning of new concepts becomes easier.