Student Wellbeing
At Stuart Park Primary School, our aim is to support future citizens who are creative and can cope with the rapid changes of our modern society. The school endeavours to achieve this aim by:
- Educating the child as an individual so that she/he may experience personal success.
- Ensuring that each child is given every opportunity to develop literacy and numeracy skills while developing creativity.
- Evolving programs of work that are valid and relevant to the needs of the pupils.
- Providing a learning process, with an atmosphere of enthusiasm, co-operation and enjoyment through the combined efforts of staff, students, parents and the community.
- Encouraging an attitude of “freedom with responsibility” towards individual and group behaviour.
- Working with parents as partners to provide a quality program.

At Stuart Park Primary School we utilise a number of Wellbeing Programs to foster a positive learning environment. These programs include the implementation of;
- Tribes and the 5 Community Agreements
- Good Learner Traits
- Growth Mindset Philosophy
- Anti-bullying Policy.
These programs provide teachers with the skills, understandings and knowledge to enable students to develop a sense of belonging and promote positive wellbeing.
Stuart Park Primary School is a TRIBES School. Tribes is a “way of learning and being together”. It is a process that uses a whole-school model to create a positive school climate through improved teaching and classroom management, positive interpersonal relations and opportunities for student participation. The Tribes process consists of five community agreements that are honoured by the staff, students and parents. They are as follows;
Tribes Agreements
(No Put Downs)
Children are shown how to give meaningful appreciations to others and they agree not to use put downs.
Right to Pass
In group situations, if a person feels unsure or unsafe joining in an activity, then there will be no compulsion to do so.
Attentive Listening
Children are taught how to listen, not only with their ears but with their eyes and their heart.
Mutual Respect
Respect for each other’s property, feelings, ideas and thoughts is crucial in our community.
Personal Best
Children are encouraged to always do their best and are shown how to appreciate differences in ability areas between people.
(No Put Downs)
Children are shown how to give meaningful appreciations to others and they agree not to use put downs.
Right to Pass
In group situations, if a person feels unsure or unsafe joining in an activity, then there will be no compulsion to do so.
Attentive Listening
Children are taught how to listen, not only with their ears but with their eyes and their heart.
Mutual Respect
Respect for each other’s property, feelings, ideas and thoughts is crucial in our community.
Personal Best
Children are encouraged to always do their best and are shown how to appreciate differences in ability areas between people.
These agreements serve as a stable foundation for building positive interpersonal relations throughout the school community. We promote a whole school approach to Tribes by:
• Modelling respectful behaviour and encouraging respectful interactions among students and teachers.
• Informing parents about the Tribes agreements and encouraging them to model these agreements at home.
• Having high behavioural expectations in the school.
• Ensuring that all staff, students and the community understand our approach and respect the process.
Each semester, every class spends time discussing and getting to know our agreements and what they mean. At the end of these lessons, the children take home a school pamphlet setting out our Tribes Agreements in brief and they explain this to their parents. The policy and pamphlet are available at the School Office.
Good Learner Traits
At Stuart Park Primary School we created and introduced our own Good Learner Traits. These include:
- I can talk about what I am learning and why
- I take risks when learning
- I can persist
- I embrace feedback
- I am resilient
The Good Learner Traits promote vital skills which enable children to tackle the challenges that they face in life. The Good Learner Posters are displayed in all classrooms to ensure we develop a common language and understanding throughout the school.

Growth Mindsets
In conjunction with the Good Learner Traits, we believe in encouraging our students to develop a Growth Mindset. Based on the work by Carol Dweck, research has shown that people who believe their intelligence can be developed (a growth mindset) outperform those who believe their intelligence is fixed (a fixed mindset). When children learn through a structured program and believe that they can “grow their brains” and increase their intellectual abilities, they do better.

Anti-bullying Policy
Bullying is described as deliberate, hurtful gestures, words or actions that may be repeated over time. Stuart Park Primary School is a ‘No Threat Zone”!
Our Pledge
Everyone has the right to feel safe, valued, included and accepted, regardless of differences.

We encourage students to;
- Spot out bullying.
- Speak out about it.
- Together we will Stamp it out.
Here is a video of our School Leaders and House Captains presenting the Anti-bullying rap to the whole school.