All children at Stuart Park Primary School wear full school uniform each day of the week. This policy is supported by the School Council and the Department of Education.
The wearing of the school uniform allows children to feel part of a group. It negates the need to worry about dress standards and gives us an identity. It says “I belong here”.
Please clearly label uniforms with student names.
It is understood that there are days when it is just not possible to supply a uniform for your child to wear to school. On such days, children come to the office and they are given a uniform to wear for the day.
Second hand uniforms
Second hand uniforms are usually available at the office for a reasonable price. If you have pre loved uniforms that your children no longer require, we would be happy to accept them here at the school.
Hats are to have an all around brim that adequately shades the nose, ears and back of neck of the wearer. Shades and caps are not acceptable.
Sensible footwear must be worn. While no particular colour or design is described in the policy, it is important to remember that children need to be able to run and exercise in the footwear.
Each day children may be required to remove their shoes and put them back on so it is best if they can do this independently.
Generally, the wearing of jewellery is not encouraged and children who feel they need to wear jewellery should contact the school to explain this need.
Nail polish and makeup are also not necessary at school.
Back to School Voucher
Each year, students will be issued with a $150 Back To School Voucher to assist with covering the cost of the school year. Parents can use this voucher to purchase uniforms. The voucher must be redeemed by the end of Term One. Preschool parents may use their voucher up until the end of Term Three.
Uniforms can be purchased from the office. See below for prices.
Uniform Price List

School Polo Top

School Shorts

School Dress

Preschool Polo Top

Bucket Hat

Library Bag

Year 6 Polo Tops
Year 6 polo tops are available for the Year Six students to purchase at the beginning of the school year. Students can choose what they would like written on the back of the top. Purchase of the Year Six Polo tops is not compulsory.