Office Staff 2

Parent Communication


The Newsletter is published every second Wednesday and is an important point of communication between school and home. It always contains useful and current information as well as a calendar of coming events.

Class Letters

At the beginning of each term, classroom teachers will send home a letter that will let you know about any classroom activities for the term e.g. homework expectations, classroom expectations, coming events, requests for classroom assistance and general information about the class. All class letters will be sent out via email.

Parent Teacher Meetings

These meetings are held at the end of Terms One. The purpose of these is to discuss and celebrate your child’s progress, set goals for the year ahead and discuss how you can support your child in their learning.  It is an important time to show your child that you are supportive of their efforts and it should be a positive experience for all.  

At the end of Term 3, we hold our Ignite Open Night.  This is an opportunity for students to celebrate their achievements and show their families what learning looks like in their classroom.  Classes are open for 2 to 3 hours and families can drop in at their leisure on this Open Night. 

Individual Meetings

Should parents feel concerned about their child at any time, arrangements can be made for a meeting with the class teacher. Class teachers may also request a meeting with you should they have concerns or require further information.

Teachers also use email as an easy way to keep you informed of any ongoing issues in class.